Free illustrations of Checklist

Simple Setup Checklist for Microsoft Teams

Kerkhoff Technologies Microsoft Teams is a lot of things. It’s a video conferencing tool, a team messaging channel, and a tool for in-app co-authoring, just to name a few. During the pandemic, the popularity of Teams skyrocketed. User numbers for MS Teams jumped from 20 million in November 2019 to 75 million in April 2020.…

Could avatars make team meetings more fun video

Could avatars make your Teams meetings more fun?

Kerkhoff Technologies Do you inwardly (or outwardly) groan at the thought of yet another video call? They’re now a normal part of our working lives, but it doesn’t make them any more exciting. Good news: Microsoft is introducing Metaverse-style avatars, called Mesh avatars, to Teams. You’ll be able to design your own avatar, personalizing its…

Red Surface laptop on a checkered bed by a window

7 Pro Tips for Microsoft 365

Kerkhoff Technologies Microsoft 365 is the most popular of all major office productivity software. It has 48.8% of the global market share, just edging out Google’s apps, by a couple of percentage points. It’s used by individuals, small & mid-sized businesses, and larger enterprise organizations. It does everything a modern office needs. Including from word…

Rear view of a upright Tablet

Microsoft Productivity Score Overview

Kerkhoff Technologies Productivity can be challenging to track, no matter where employees are working. How do you know they’re using their tools as effectively as possible? How can you enable them to adopt best practices? These are questions that managers often ask themselves. If they’re looking at the wrong things, it can get in the…

Cloud, Network, Website, Computer, Communication

Pros & Cons of Using the Windows 365 Cloud PC

Kerkhoff Technologies While many companies have moved most of their workflows to the cloud, there is still a key component of office operations that is location-based. This would be employee computers. Most companies still rely on desktops and laptops to allow employees to access critical software and as their main workstation. This can become inconvenient…